Our Religious Instruction is a generic Christianity focussed session for 1 hour at the end of each term. The students are split into Junior and Senior groups for the two presentations.
2023 Overview:
Term 1: Forgiveness
Focusing on the the Easter story and what it teaches us about forgiveness: what Jesus has done to bring forgiveness to us and how this helps us to forgive others
Term 2 : Faith
Exploring the concept of faith. How faith (or trust) is a normal, everyday part of life; Why people place their faith in Jesus and how the Bible teaches that faith in Jesus is based on good evidence and reliable grounds.
Term 3: Love
Learning from the Bible about the love God has shown in Jesus, why we can know we’re loved and how this helps us live out the call Jesus gave us to love one other
Term 4: Hope
Discovering what the Bible says about the hope brought to us in the message of Christmas, and the difference that this hope makes in our lives.