Parents/carers wishing to collect students from school early are required to:
So that regulations under the Education Act are followed, parents are requested to provide an explanation regarding a child’s absence from school. In the event of your child being absent from school, please either email with their name, class, reason why they are absent and date/s.
A text message is sent to parents/caregivers if your child is marked absent with no explaination on any given day.
After the third day of absence without explanation, the parent will be contacted by the school requesting an explanation for the child’s absence.
In the event of a child being absent for a period of three weeks without notification and efforts by the school to contact parents are unsuccessful, the child’s enrolment will be cancelled. Where an unsatisfactory explanation of absenteeism is received from the parent/carer and truancy is apparent, the matter will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
It is our aim to enhance learning outcomes and monitor unnecessary absenteeism carefully to ensure a student’s opportunity to learn is not impaired by truancy.
Absence longer than 10 school days, for the purpose of family vacation and the like should be requested through the Principal; and learning requirements negotiated.
Regular attendance by each child is essential for satisfactory progress to be made; therefore, parents must assume the responsibility for the regular attendance of their child/children.