
Rules and policies



So that regulations under the Education Act are followed, parents are requested to provide an explanation regarding a child’s absence from school. In the event of your child being absent from school, please contact the school by emailing​ 

A text message is sent to parents/caregivers if your child is marked absent on any given day. After the third day of absence without explanation, the parent will be contacted by the school requesting an explanation for the child’s absence.

In the event of a child being absent for a period of three weeks without notification and efforts by the school to contact parents are unsuccessful, the child’s enrolment will be cancelled. Where an unsatisfactory explanation of absenteeism is received from the parent/carer and truancy is apparent, the matter will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

It is our aim to enhance learning outcomes and monitor unnecessary absenteeism carefully to ensure a student’s opportunity to learn is not impaired by truancy.

Absence for the purpose of family vacation and the like should be requested through the Principal; and learning requirements negotiated.

Regular attendance by each child is essential for satisfactory progress to be made; therefore, parents must assume the responsibility for the regular attendance of their child/children.

Access to School

Students are not permitted to linger in the school grounds after they have been dismissed for the day, except when under the supervision of a parent or teacher, or while waiting for transport home. Children are taken to the office at 2:45 pm if they have not been collected. Helping Hands offers before and after school care on premises for children who are enrolled with them.

Parents/carers are asked to actively discourage children from playing in the school grounds before and after school. Unauthorised use of the school grounds is officially trespassing and instances will be reported to the police when the welfare of the school facility is considered to be at risk.

If you do see an unauthorised entry or vandalism occurring to our school after hours, please ring School Watch on 13 17 88 or Police Link on 13 14 44.


In the case of minor accidents, a staff member will clean the wound with and apply a dressing. In the case of a more serious accident, a staff member will render first aid to the best of their ability, while contacting the Principal. Should we feel the case requires further attention the parent will be contacted for instructions. In the event of what is deemed an emergency, an ambulance will be called.

Annual Events

At Pallara State School we aim to provide wonderful opportunities to get together as a community to enjoy ourselves and celebrate learning.
Activities such as Easter Bonnet Parade, Book Week Parade, Inter-House Sports Days, Under 8’s Week and End of Year Concert etc. will become established as special events for Pallara. These school activities serve to bond our community; celebrate our successes; and establish our unique school culture and history.

Banking for Students

A student banking service operates through the Commonwealth Bank. This is conducted one day per week. Student bank books are to be handed into the office on a Wednesday for processing.

Behaviour Management

The purpose of a school’s Responsible Behaviour Plan is to achieve a safe and supportive school environment.
A supportive school environment is one where:
  • all members of the school community feel safe and are valued;
  • social and academic learning outcomes are maximised for all through quality practices in the areas of curriculum, interpersonal and school organisation;
  • school practices which involve a planned continuum from the positive or preventive actions for all students to the responsive actions for specific individuals and groups;
  • non-violent, non-coercive and non-discriminatory language and practices are defined, modelled and reinforced by all members of the school community;
  • suspension and exclusion procedures are considered only when all other approaches have been exhausted or rejected;
  • a preventative, supportive and responsive behaviour plan is endorsed and followed. 
High standards of behaviour are expected at all times. Safe, Respectful, Caring, Considerate and Responsible behaviour form the basis of our school rules. The wellbeing and safety of all is of high priority at all times. Students are encouraged to accept responsibility for their own behaviour. Emphasis is placed on creating a positive and supportive environment. Clear expectations are established, communicated and maintained. Behaviour issues are handled promptly.
We aim to develop self-discipline by:
  • maintaining consistent standards of behaviour throughout the school
  • communicating clear expectations
  • acknowledging those who are demonstrating appropriate behaviours
  • encouraging ownership of, and responsibility for, behaviour
  • encouraging appropriate behaviour choices.
We value the involvement of parents in each child’s development. Where significant concerns exist or a significant incident occurs, parents will be contacted. Parents can initiate discussions on behaviour at any convenient time. Sharing of information likely to impact on a child’s behaviour is vitally important.


A bike rack is provided near the main school entrance for students’ use. For safety reasons students must not ride into the grounds but should dismount at the gate and push their bikes to the bike rack. Students riding bicycles are to wear suitable helmets with straps firmly secured. Non-wearing of helmets is against the law and is punishable by law.

Book Club

The school participates in the activities of the Scholastic Book Club which makes books available to students at regular intervals during the school year at low costs. Children are supplied with order forms for the purpose of making their own selections. All orders are to be done online by parents/caregivers. The Library gains from the children’s participation in this activity as we receive bonus points. These bonus points are used to obtain Library resources.

Custody/Parental Orders

On occasion, we may have to act on custody information held in our confidential school files. It is vital that this information remains current and is supported by appropriate documentation. If a change occurs regarding the custodial care of your child/children, please report this to the office in person. Where possible the Principal will meet with you to clarify the changes. So that appropriate actions can be taken by the school if necessary, it is essential that both the Principal and class teacher are informed when there are concerns surrounding custody issues.


The Queensland Education regulations allow for the school day to be extended by 30 minutes after school finishes, or during the lunch break, as detention. This may be for a student to complete work not done during the day because of tardiness, or to complete work not completed to a satisfactory level; or as consequence for inappropriate behaviours. While we do not encourage this practice, it may be necessary at times.

Children are often given the choice of alternate times for detention so as to cause as little inconvenience to parents as possible. This procedure is in line with the school Code of Behaviour. Parents will be notified in advance if a child is required to remain after school.

Electronic Appliances

Children who bring mobile phones, iPods, iPads, electronic games, etc. to school must hand them in to the office before 8:30am and collect them from the office at 2:30pm. No mobile phones are to be left with children during the day. Students found using mobiles phones will have the device confiscated. It may then be collected by parents. The school accepts no responsibility for lost or stolen items not handed into the office.


Excursions to places which enrich the curriculum are undertaken as the opportunity arises. Transport is generally by bus and parents are advised in advance of itinerary and costs. Written permission is required for all children to attend an excursion. Occasionally one or two parents are asked to accompany the class to assist with supervision. Please be aware all excursion payments must be received by the due date as late payments are not accepted.

Family Emergency Information

This information is kept at the school office and records student names, addresses and contact numbers as well as emergency contact names and their phone numbers. Should you change any of your details please advise the office staff as soon as possible.

Fire Drill

Fire drills are regularly practised at school, and children are constantly reminded of their duty in this regard. Should a fire occur in the school, students would be clear of the buildings within 90 seconds of the sounding of the alarm.
Parents who may be in the school at the time of an alarm or a fire should proceed by the shortest practical route to the oval.
They must not try to contact their children. The fire drill procedures in operation ensure that teachers check all children once the assembly point is reached.
Parents removing children during these times could cause teachers unnecessary concern through breaking routine.

Forbidden Articles

Toy guns, swords, matches, pocket knives, chewing gum or any potentially dangerous objects are forbidden at school and on school bus transport and will be confiscated. Less dangerous items will be returned that afternoon for the child to take home. Parents will be contacted to pick up the more dangerous items from school.
Note: Children who bring other toys to school to play with do so at their own risk of breakage and damage.


The Parents & Citizens’ Association conducts various fundraising projects throughout the school year. These projects provide funds that are spent on improving school facilities and to provide resources over and above those supplied by the Education Department.
The Student Council also holds fundraisers at various times throughout the year to raise funds for student-initiated projects.


Should a parent wish to have an interview with a teacher, a request for a mutually suitable time should be arranged with the teacher. If a parent wishes to see the Principal regarding a classroom complaint they must have already consulted with the child’s classroom teacher. No interviews with the Principal will take place until this procedure has been followed. To ensure that the Principal is available it is best to phone to request an interview.


Each week, children are taken to the school library to change their library books. Library books should be taken to and from school in a library bag for protection of the books.
Children are encouraged to borrow books for both entertainment and research.
The cost of lost or damaged books must be met by parents. Library bags are available for purchase through the Uniform shop.

Lost Property

Each year the school accumulates lost property, therefore, please ensure that ALL your child’s belongings are clearly labelled.
The lost property box is located in the foyer of the Administration building. Parents/carers are encouraged to seek lost belongings at any time.
At the end of each term all lost property items will be displayed in the undercover area near the tuckshop on the last school day and students are encouraged to check for any of their lost belongings.
Lost property items not collected throughout the year are donated to charity. Unclaimed school uniform items will be reserved to cater for “life’s little emergencies and accidents”.

Medical Matters

The following is Education Queensland’s Policy on the issue of medication being given to students by school staff.
  • Should medication prescribed by the student’s medical practitioner be required to be administered while the student is at school or involved in school-approved activities, a parent/legal guardian must make a written request to the principal of the school.
  • Where a teacher or other adult person on the school staff has been authorised by the principal to administer medication to students, the instructions provided must be written on the medication container by the pharmacist at the medical practitioner’s direction. The teacher or other authorised person will not accept the instructions solely from the parent/legal guardian. The instructions on the medication container need to indicate specific times at which medication is to be administered, as well as quantity of medication to be administered.
  • Medication shall be kept in a secure place in the office. An exception is, in selected cases, of inhaler therapy for asthma. On written permission from a parent/legal guardian and with the approval of the school principal, a student may be responsible for their inhaler.
  • Non-prescribed oral medication (such as analgesics and over-the-counter medications) will not be administered by teachers or other persons or the school staff.
  • Instructions to vary dosages of ongoing medication must be supported by a letter from the Doctor.
Implications for parents/carers at Pallara State School
  • Parents/carers must make a written request to the principal if they wish for their child to be administered prescription medication during the school day or on camps, excursions and other school-approved activities.
  • Medication must be sent to school in the correct container, which has the specific times (eg. 12:00pm) medication is to be administered as well as the quantity of medication (5ml) to be administered, clearly marked on the container by the pharmacist. Please note that a direction such as “Give three times daily” is not sufficient under departmental regulations. Parents will need to alert their doctor and pharmacist of the requirement when medication is being prescribed.
  • Non-prescribed oral medication (eg. Panadol, cough mixture etc.) will NOT be administered, even with a letter of consent and instructions from parents/carers.
  • Prescribed medication will not be administered if it bears the name of someone other than the child and/or the medication is beyond its use by date.


In the event of a severe accident or sudden illness, the Ambulance will be called to attend to the child, and if necessary, escort that child to the nearest hospital or doctor.
As it is our policy to make urgent contact with the parent/carer or nominee in such cases, it is essential that you are diligent in providing the school administration with up to date contact phone and mobile phone numbers. It is essential that our files remain current and accurate.
In addition to your own contact numbers we request the name and phone numbers of two or three emergency contact people who will be able to respond to an emergency situation involving your child on your behalf. If this is not possible, our course of action is to take whatever steps necessary for the safety and well-being of the child.

Illness / First Aid

Sick or injured students are referred to the sick bed in the administration area where they are treated by staff members who have current first aid certificates. They are adequately supervised until there is no need for further treatment or assistance.
If deemed necessary, parents/carers will be advised by phone that their child is sick or injured and will be asked to collect their child from the Administration Office as soon as possible. In the event of the parents/carers not being contactable, emergency contacts will be advised. Please advise the school if a person other than the parent/carer will be collecting your sick child from the school.
Head lice are not a disgrace. Any child or adult can become infected. This happens through close contact of heads or by sharing items such as combs, brushes, hats, etc. of an infected person immediately after they have used them. Information letters are sent home to the parents/carers of students suspected of infection or who may have come in contact with an infected person.

School Dental Service

Metro South Health provides free dental care to children throughout the region. All children aged 4 through to Year 10 are eligible for free dental health. Appointments can be made by calling the Inala School Dental Clinic on (07) 3278 7035. The dental clinic is located at Inala State School, Glenala Road, Durack.


Newsletters are produced each fortnight. The newsletter is emailed home and is also available electronically on our website and through the QSchools App. QSchools is a free app that keeps parents and carers up to date with what is happening at the school. Parents are asked to please read the newsletter carefully and reply promptly when required.


Every Monday afternoon from 1:30pm we hold our weekly assembly in the hall. Students and teachers share general school notices and reports. Each week “Student of the Week” awards are presented. Parents are most welcome to attend.

Parking Rules Around Schools

School pedestrian crossings are provided to help students and parents to cross the road safely on the way to and from school. The crossing on Wadeville Street has crossing supervisors who stop vehicles before allowing children to cross. Drivers must slow down and stop when a pedestrian steps onto a marked crossing and drivers must give way to any pedestrian on the crossing.

2 Minute Pick Up Rules


Smoking banned 5 metres around school grounds
Smoking any tobacco products or using an electronic cigarette within five metres of any state or private school grounds has been banned. This applies before, during and after school hours as well as over weekends and school holidays. On the spot fines can be issued by environmental health officers, police or other officers authorised by the local government to anyone found in breach of this legislation. The ban does not extend to businesses or residences that share a property boundary with a school. Smokers are asked to put out your cigarette and dispose of the litter thoughtfully well before you reach the school boundary.


We do not encourage children to bring anything of v​alue to school unless it is accompanied by a parent and for a specific purpose, eg. show and tell.
PLEASE NOTE: Children who wear watches or jewellery to school will be expected to be responsible for their safety and protection from damage. Valuables, such as electronic games, jewellery, CDs etc. and are not permitted at school.


All visitors must report to the office upon arrival to receive authorisation to be in the school grounds and be signed in at reception. Upon departure, visitors must report back to the office to be signed out.

Wet Weather

Should it be raining so as to make outdoor play impossible at lunch times or should rain have made ground conditions unsuitable for play, the actual lunch time play may be shortened. The students will move into school rooms under the supervision of a teacher.

Last reviewed 11 March 2025
Last updated 11 March 2025