Student Support Services (SSS)
Every student succeeding is the shared vision
of Queensland state schools. This strategy underpins regional and school planning to ensure every student receives the support needed to belong to the school community, engage purposefully in learning and experience academic success.
At Pallara State School, student engagement and student success is a strong focus with all stakeholders. To provide support for our students, Pallara has a Student Support Services (SSS) Committee which meets fortnightly to discuss identified students, requiring support either academically, emotionally, socially or behaviourally. The committee comprises of school based staff; Head of Special Education Services (Chair) Speech and Language Pathologist and Guidance Officer.
Students are identified via observations and data gathered by their Classroom Teacher, Inclusion Teachers or Parents/Caregivers. The SSS Committee evaluates and analyses the data provided and determines initial support for the student. This may involve initial intervention in the way of Literacy and Numeracy support groups or in class observations. Further investigation may be deemed necessary, which is discussed with specialised persons such as the Speech Pathologist or Guidance Officer and involves observations and assessments. Should this level of support be required, initial discussions with parents/caregivers occurs prior to any assessments being delivered.
The SSS Committee also communicates and liaises with outside agencies; paediatricians, psychologists and psychiatrists, should a student require this level of support.
Specific programs being currently delivered at Pallara are:
- Social skills groups lead by Inclusion staff
- Curriculum support for English and Maths
- Fine and gross motor skills programs
- Minilit and Multilit
- Heggerty
- Speech Programs
Pallara State School Student support Services Committee
Referral Process
Class teacher identifies concerns regarding a student’s performance
based on data analysis and observations – academic, social/emotional, behaviour.
Class teacher discusses the student with the SSS Co-Ordinator (Head of
Special Education) which will determine if a SSS Referral Form needs to be
Class Teacher must discuss reasons for referral with parents (recorded
on referral form) and get parent
signature on the SSS referral form and a signature on GO parent consent form. No
student will be discussed at a SSS meeting without this completed.
Student referrals are discussed at SSS Meetings, which are every
fortnight on even weeks.
SSS committee decides what action is to be taken.
Referral is recorded on 2019 SSS Database and referral form is scanned
and uploaded on One School – All Paper copies are placed in the students’ central
Minutes and referral forms are saved in the SSS file.
Teacher is notified outcome via email by SSS Co-Ordinator.
Class teacher to let parents know the outcome of the
SSS meeting and continue to monitor and track student progress.

Student progress reviewed and discussed
at SSS meetings as required.